Saturday, February 20, 2010

Parents : "We have dreams too"

(Author : Anonymous)

This wonderful post has been copied from a forwarded email from a fellow contributor “The Hmmm???”. Enjoy.


Some things that we do are often taken for granted.

This is about a man who tells how his booking an air ticket for his father, his first flight, brought emotions and made him realize that how much we all take for granted when it comes to our parents.

My parents left for our native place on Thursday and we went to the airport to see them off. In fact, my father had never travelled by air before, so I just took this opportunity to make him experience the same.

In spite of being asked to book tickets by train, I got them tickets on Lufthansa.

The moment I handed over the tickets to him, he was surprised to see that I had booked them by air. The excitement was very apparent on his face, waiting for the time of travel. Just like a school boy, he was preparing himself on that day and we all went to the airport, right from using the trolley for his luggage, the baggage check-in and asking for window seat and waiting restlessly for the security check-in to happen.

He was thoroughly enjoying himself and I, too, was overcome with joy watching him experience all these things.

As they were about to go in for the security check-in, he walked up to me with tears in his eyes and thanked me. He became very emotional and it was not as if I had done something great but the fact that this meant a great deal to him. When he said thanks, I told him there was no need to thank me.

But later, thinking about the entire incident, I looked back at my life.

As a child how many dreams our parents have made come true. Without understanding the financial situation, we ask for football, dresses, toys, outings, etc. Irrespective of their affordability, they have satisfied to all our needs. Did we ever think about the sacrifices they had to make to accommodate our many wishes?

Did we ever say thanks for all that they have done for us?

Same way, today when it comes to our children, we always think that we should put them in a good school.

Regardless of the amounts of donations, we will ensure that we will have to give the child the best, theme parks, toys, etc. But we tend to forget that our parents have sacrificed a lot for our sake to see us happy, so it is our responsibility to ensure that their dreams are realized and what they failed to see when they were young. It is our responsibility to ensure that they experience all those and their life is complete.

Many times, when my parents had asked me some questions, I have actually answered back without patience. When my daughter asks me something, I have been very polite in answering. Now I realize how they would have felt at those moments.

Let us realize that old age is a second childhood and just as we take care of our children, the same attention and same care need to be given to our parents and elders.

Rather than my dad saying thank you to me, I would want to say sorry for making him wait so long for this small dream. I do realize how much he has sacrificed for my sake and I will do my best to give the best possible attention to all their wishes. Just because they are old does not mean that they will have to give up everything and keep sacrificing for their grandchildren also. They have wishes, too.'

Take care of our parents. Don't take them for granted and make them feel small and unwanted in their old age. They too have feelings/dreams/hope/aspirations/wishes (and many broken/shattered ones) too while sacrificing them to give us our needs and our wants.

If you think this is worth reading, please share it with others too.


(If you’re the original author of this piece and would like to claim credit or remove this published post, please do not hesitate to contact any Who Team Member. Thank you very much.)


Share your thoughts and comments at our facebook page:!/topic.php?uid=306772137042&topic=23601

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cubicle Thoughts

(Author : The Hmmm???)

Well! Well! A blog eh? Cool, I suppose this sound a little like Oprah’s talk show, hee! hee! Never had a thing or two about this stuff but then again, it’s nice to give it a go so Thank you Mr Who? for this idea.

Well, I do have something that I would like to share with all the ladies WHO are on this blog or better still if this could be spread out to WHOever they are able to reach out too.

It started when Toilet bowl seat was made in a shape, more for sitting then squatting. This modern technology was made to serve its purpose, I guess?? Maybe it was for those WHO are lazy or too tired to squat. Boink? Boink? Wonder? Wonder?

These days in most new shopping malls or in any public toilets, they make more of those “sitting” ones then the “squatting” ones which leads me to wanna asks questions such as these,

  • Why do you think most ladies want to dirty the toilet seat by squatting on it??
  • Why don’t these places make more squatting ones for those who wants to use them?
  • Why go through the hassle of trying to do a balance act on the toilet seats?

I see most of the time when I’m in the ladies washroom, most will queue for the “squatting” ones and out of 10 cubicles there will only be two which are made for squatting. If you go to the Gardens Mid Valley, there is only one cubicle which has it.

It’s pathetic.

Here is my personal reason for not using the “sitting” ones:

1st for personal Hygiene, (you wouldn’t know WHO may have sat on it.)

2nd again for personal Hygiene, (I’ve seen all kinds of stuff and stains left on it)

3rd also for personal Hygiene, (I’ve personally witness the cleaning lady using the floor mop to clean the toilet seats)

Now, if you have seen what I’ve seen, would you still want to use the “sitting” ones???

I know that there were some pictures being circulate in the net about a lady who was badly hurt from the accident of squatting on the toilet seat made for sitting. Now I wonder if that was made as a hoax to just scare everyone who has seen it or it was just to raise awareness to others on the proper usage of toilet seats.

I’ve also notice that there are funny cartoons being put up on the doors of all Ikano’s toilets, reminding the user not to squat on it. Cartoons maybe funny and pictures may be gruesome to look at but does it help get the message across?

There is such a simple solution to these matters, these developers or owners of such big building should just get contractors to make more “squatting” toilet bowls rather than having all these hassle of notifying user about it and if they SERIOUSLY, want to maintain the ‘Sitting” ones, the management should look into hiring really good and caring cleaners who worries about personal hygiene of self and others.

Well! What do you think? Please feel free to share your thoughts on this. It helps if someday this reaches someone with common sense! Thank you for your time.


Share your thoughts and comments at our facebook page:!/topic.php?uid=306772137042&topic=23560

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Useful Information

  1. This blog is a public blog. It means it is a blog with unlimited contributors / authors.
  2. Everyone has the right to their individual entries, however, any inappropriate words, slang or entry as a whole would be removed at WHO Team Members discretionary.
  3. Any damages and liabilities caused by individual entries would be wholly beared by entry authors. Authors here are defined by the person who created the scenario within the entry, not the person who posted the entry to the blog.
  4. We respect originality. Therefore plagiarism is highly frowned upon.
  5. Misbehavior within the grounds of the blog and other related pages would be not be tolerated.
[Updated: 14 February 2010]

Introduction : An Hour with Kar Yee

(author : J Mok)


As this is the first post, I'll like to formally introduce to you and you and you, this wonderful blog

"An Hour With Who".

The idea started out as I was "carpooling" myself home with my dear friend Kar Yee's (KY) car after a late night's class. Being with KY at anytime, anywhere can be an absolute hilarious and joyful experience. Anyone who knows her would agree with me.

So in the passenger seat, she told me about her experience with her course mates and their funny idea. They should make a blog called "An Hour with KY". It was a GREAT idea! All the silly things that we'd gone through with her would be a good read. We could read it few years from now, maybe someone would have migrated, have kids, grandkids....ok, let's not go that far. But it was really great.

After a few days of pondering on my own, I came up with this blog you're visiting now. It's just the original idea EXPANDED.

It is a perfect place to store your memories and let them live on in others as they read. Great for those who do not own or plan to own a blog, or just can't keep up with maintaining their blogs. So on and so forth.

There are possible future activities such as competitions, forum and maybe...maybe...seeing your good work published. Stick around and see how things grow.

How To Do It?

Step 1: Type our your experience in Microsoft Office Word. (Other similar softwares acceptable unless mentioned)

Step 2: Review your work. (Additional images, videos and links optional)

Step 3: Send it to

Step 4: Wait for posting by Who Team member within then next 24 hours. (Successful entry authors would be notified by email.

Step 5: Entry up and done! Share it with your friends.


Ever got that hilarious joke and wish you could have recorded it somewhere? Or maybe heard an inspirational story that you think would do good for others to know as well? Maybe this, maybe that.

Then you have come to the right place!

Here, you get to send entries about your experiences and thoughts? Why you wanna do that?

1. You don't have to worry about posting and editing. We'll do it for you.

2. You don't have to worry about your blog looking empty and lonely. With frequent posts from anyone, anywhere, there's bound to be some hype.

3. You don't have to worry no one reads. With the variety of content on the blog, yours is bound to be read.

4. It may also serve as an advertising platform for your company.


A good deal? Then start typing on that keyboard and send us your entries today!

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